(512) 739-4834

You could say Glenn was born into this business. His grandfather was a wildcatter in the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's. His father was a wildcatter in the 1970's and 1980's. Glenn got into this business a little late (2012), but once he did he fell in love like you can't imagine. 

While running a real estate office in downtown Austin, Glenn was recruited for a job as a landman by a former employee. Glenn's extensive knowledge of mineral estates and surface property transactions was the perfect fit for the oil business. It was the rare case of the round peg in the round hole. Glenn was invited to join a very small tight knit team of subcontractors that worked for the 2nd largest producer of natural gas in the United States at the time. That team, with which Glenn was a proud member, went on to lease a huge swath of minerals in southeastern Colorado's DJ Basin. Glenn loved every minute of it. Glenn then worked as a subcontractor for other major producers in West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania . During the first four years of Glenn's career, Glenn and team executed leases across the DJ Basin and the Utica Shale in excess of 1.5 BILLION dollars!!! 

Closer to home in Texas (or as Glenn prefers to think of it "God's Country”), Glenn helped manage oil and gas leases, right of way easements, and pipeline easements for his family. After the passing of his grandparents and parents, all of whom had left the family significant mineral holdings all over the State, Glenn enjoyed helping his extended family by providing research and answers to their questions. Glenn's contacts combined with his experience gave him insight that allowed him a unique perspective into different shale plays in Texas. He used this perspective to begin investing in mineral and surface properties throughout the State of Texas to expand the holdings of his family. It wasn't long before Glenn was well versed in the Permian Basin's various oil formations as well as the shale formations of South Texas. Glenn, who is a licensed Texas Real Estate Broker, actually created an Oil and Gas Division inside his Real Estate Company, Thompson Company Realty Enterprises LLC. The Oil & Gas Division's sole responsibility is to help clients buy or sell mineral estates. To date they have numerous happy clients.

When Glenn is not selling real estate or running a sizable family owned oil & gas company you can find him fishing either offshore in the Gulf of Mexico or closer to home on Lake Travis or just taking his 2 year old son for a ride on the golf cart.